Ira Meyer
Photographs from Antarctica and the Arctic
Ira Meyer
Photographs from Antarctica and the Arctic
LocationFox Fine Jewelry Parklet - Saturday only
560 E. Main St Description
Ira Meyer
I never touched a camera until I was 39 years old. Now 74, it is astounding to me that I've earned my way in life with one for the past 30 years. To say the least, I have been very fortunate. Especially in having made nearly 40 trips to Antarctica since 2005. So I ask you please not to pinch me. For if this is a dream, I’m not sure I want to wake up from it.A bit more about me/ my work: I was born and reared in the Bronx, New York, living in Colorado, Great Britain, Texas, Arkansas and northern Florida after leaving there in 1967. Eventually landing in Southern California in 1987, I've lived within a quarter mile of the beach since. A former avid bicyclist, my life was changed in 1986 when on an 80 mile training ride a bug disturbed the driver of a passing speeding pick up truck, causing him to hit me. This ultimately led to my life as a photographer. At the age of 39, the thought of photography had never crossed my mind. But my mortality was put before me in a very undeniable fashion. A year later, health and strength regained, I sold a small lawn maintenance business and bought a used van in which to travel to Alaska. As something of a total afterthought, I spent $180 on a little Fuji point-and-shoot camera. Thus, my photographic journey began. Now collected worldwide, my work has been published on the cover of the Turkish version of National Geographic's Climate Change special edition, in National Geographic’s Atlas of Natural America, on the cover of Yosemite National Park’s calendar, as the Nature Conservancy’s holiday card, as CD and video art, in the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, on several book covers and a variety of magazines including: Outdoor Photographer, ESCAPE, Outdoor and Nature Photography, EARTH, Digital Photographer, ArtLife, and Petersen’s Photographic. In 2008, my image of a dripping arch in a Greenland iceberg received the runner up award in the One Earth category of the prestigious BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. Photos of mine are also part of the permanent collections of the City of Beverly Hills, as well as Oxnard, California’s Carnegie Art Museum. |